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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately……

  • So I know I mentioned this the other day but I wanted to tell you again.  My best friend, my bestest friend and myself all went to see the movie “trainwreck.”  It was hilarious.  I hate it when the previews for a movie are the only funny parts and then you see the movie and it’s all disappointing but this wasn’t one of those movies.  Very funny. For real. Oh, and I need to tell you that I FINALLY mentioned my very best friend since childhood in this post because she’s all like “how come you never talk about meeee?”  So I’m talking about her because we ALWAYS do and she gets jealous that I mention the “bestest” friend more (btw spellcheck does not like the word “bestest”) but that’s because my “bestest” is like the only person on the face of the earth that checks this blog regularly.  So just to be clear, I love them both to death and it’s awesome that we can all get together and hang out.  Love all around!
  • Remember this cat dude:


He seems to be doing better!! Hooray Nero! We didn’t take him to the vet so hopefully whatever was wrong healed and he’s all better now.

  • I’ve had some epic fails and disappointments again in the recipe experimenting department.  ok so not really epic but i’m being all dramatic lately and even calling people besides myself “bitchy” because a lot of shit is going on in my life right now ( and their life too. we’re all in the same boat.)  I don’t have drama queen tendencies.  I’m a libra.  Which in a nutshell means I have a hard time making decisions and when someone else inadvertently makes them for me I get all confused and pissed off. But you sometimes don’t know I’m pissed off because I don’t want to piss you off.  Do libra’s have potty mouths too? ANYWAY….

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gross.  Supposed to be cheese “chips.” HAHAHAHA nasty

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Meat “chips.”  It was going to be a post on happy hour snacks for the “carbophobe.”  Too bad.  Eat your cheese and pepperoni/prociutto/salami with crackers and be happy! Dammit. Because I’m stressed and can’t stop swearing.  So there.  F*%k it. Was that too much? Did I piss you off?


Elvira kittypants chillin
Elvira kittypants chillin
Elvira kittypants matches the hardwood floors and the kitchen floor. She's a chameleon!
Elvira kittypants matches the hardwood floors and the kitchen floor. She’s a chameleon!

Hope you’re enjoying the rest of the lazy, hazy days of summer!




Published inwhat up wednesdays


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