This cocktail is so absolutely crisp and refreshing. I was actually kind of surprised by how good it tastes.

A traditional mojito consists of rum, mint, lime juice, sugar, and club soda. For this mojito, I didn’t use sugar or a simple syrup because I figured the apple cider had enough sugar in it to make up for not using any. I also used chocolate mint because that’s all I had and I absolutely love the smell of chocolate mint. If you ever get your hands on any chocolate mint just plant it in a pot and forget about it. It will just come back every year and then some. By that I mean that I have my pot of chocolate mint on the wall of my steps outside and there is actually chocolate mint growing up from the cracks and crevices of the cement/brick steps because they drop their seeds and just grow anywhere. It’s also easy to take a cutting from the plant and just root it in water and plant it in another pot. Ok, so sorry for the ramble on mint…

This pic is of my Martha Stewart glass and Martha Stewart muddler.

Apple Cider Mojito
(serves 1)
4 oz apple cider
1/2 lime, juiced
1 1/2 oz rum
5 mint leaves (I used chocolate mint)
club soda
In a tall glass, muddle the mint and lime juice. Add ice, rum and apple cider. Stir and top with club soda.
