Today is my bestest friend Trixie’s birthday. She’s one of those friends where you have a million stories to tell. We have stories from several vacations we went on together, we have stories from nights we’ve gone out together, from working together, from just hanging out at someone’s house, from the night I had to pick up her future husband for her because she was too drunk to give him her phone number, or the time we were at her house and I was too drunk to see one of her party tricks and she broke her wrist attempting to show it to me the second time. The worst part about that story is she was leaving for a cruise the very next week for her 50th birthday. I felt soooo bad.

This year she turns 55 and she has a “don’t be jealous I’m 55 and fabulous” t-shirt she’s been wearing all week. Let me just tell you, be jealous. She really is 55 and fabulous. Nobody can believe she’s 55. She looks so young and gorgeous and tiny and she certainly doesn’t act her age. Thank goodness. She’s way too much fun to start being an old fuddy duddy.

She’s a sweetheart who will do anything for anybody and not complain(much).

The third person in this next pic who is giving Trixie a kiss is Elaine who turned 40. She always gets jealous when I talk about Trixie so I figured I better include a pic with her in it too. Trixie understands.
Happy 55 and fabulous birthday Trixie! I love you to death!!!
Awwww that was sweet and yes Trixie you look fucking amazing!!!! I am jealous!!!! Happy Birthday!!!
I’m crying. Love you too. Thank you. You mean the world to me.
AWWWW Trixie! You’re the bestest!