Tonight’s sunday suppers is brought to you by Carne Asada. Oh yeah, it’s Mexican night. And of course that means Tequila! This carne asada recipe is something that I used to make all of the time when Mikey and I first started dating. Probably every other week. Sometimes every week because it is just so good. It was especially good in the summer with all of the fresh tomatoes we would use to make pico de gallo. Also homemade guacamole. That’s Mikey’s job. He’s the resident guacamole maker while I grill the meat. I actually grill it in a cast iron skillet. Can you believe we don’t own a grill? What’s wrong with us? Every summer we say we’re going to buy one but we don’t. This year. For sure.
So Trader Joe’s has a really good pre-packaged, marinated carne asada that I will sometimes buy but I like to make my own as well. I use a skirt steak or a flank steak and marinate it usually overnight or for 4-6 hours. I will sometimes also grill chicken with it but tonight I’m making shrimp. We are weird and just like to eat it with lime tortilla chips. You could totally be normal and serve it with tortillas for burritos or tacos. I’m also just using my favorite pre-made fresh salsa from my local grocery store and Mikey is making the guac.

Throw all of the ingredients into a resealable bag with the steak and marinate away in the refrigerator.
Also on the menu for sunday suppers is my usual weekly staples- breakfast casserole, turkey meatballs in sauce, and bbq chicken and sweet potatoes. I’m going to try and roast some brussel sprouts for the vegetable for the week. I usually roast asparagus. Plus I’m sure(I hope) we have some left over steak and shrimp to eat too. Lot’s of good healthy food for the whole week all cooked in only a few hours on sunday. Whoop whoop!
Carne Asada
2 pounds skirt or flank steak
1 large handful cilantro, leaves and stems included
2 limes, juiced
1 tsp cumin
1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tbl white vinegar
1/2 tsp sugar
1 Tbl chopped garlic
Combine all ingredients for marinade and place in a resealable bag with the steak. Refrigerate 4-6 hours or overnight.
Remove steak from marinade and discard marinade and bag. I make sure to brush off excess marinade as well. Grill over medium high flame first brushing grates with olive oil to prevent sticking.
If using cast iron skillet, heat skillet over medium high and add about 1 Tbl olive oil and cook until your preference of medium rare to well done. Remove steak and let rest 5 minutes.
recipe adapted from simply recipes
We love Mexican night!!! So freaking good!!
I make the guac… So in turn ..I make the blog ! Yay