just a few things I’ve been up to lately…….

Walmart checkout lines are the worst. Poor kid got so bored I didn’t even care that he straight up just laid on the floor.

We went swimming. He’s trying to decide which rafts/pool toys to take into the pool.

We went to Delallo’s for his favorite pepperoni rolls.

20th Century Fox biting his cage because he couldn’t find/didn’t have any food. He literally tore up his cages looking for some food. It was actually about an hour before I typically feed him but he couldn’t wait.

We went bike riding on the trail again. This was the only decent pic I could get.

He’s picking baby pinecones at the trail while his dad loads the bikes. He loves to pick pinecones and acorns.

I canned homemade salsa. I’m not sure how my proportions were so off, but I only got 2 1/2 jars instead of like 4 jars and I feel like it was a lot of work for so little product. I have more tomatoes ripening this week so I’m going to try again this weekend.

We made a cake. We pretend played making a cake last week so I asked him if he wanted to make a real cake to practice for his upcoming birthday. I don’t have a pic of the finished cake but it was really good.

He loves himself a tractor. This is at my bestest friends house where we go swimming. We went swimming again on monday and I think he was more excited to sit on the tractor than he was to actually swim. Now he won’t ride on the tractor with anybody, he only wants to sit on it while it’s turned off.
And that’s it! Another great week! We have his preschool orientation today and then the long weekend and then we get ready for his 5th (!!!!???how) birthday.
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!