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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately……

I just love this pic. Obviously Jackson is Iron Man and we had several of his teddy bears dress up like spiderman and batman.

We had preschool orientation. His first day is today!!

We made cookies!

My garden harvest. The peppers are called “salsa” peppers and they are hot as shit. Like wore 2 pairs of gloves cutting them but still had pepper burns on my hands.

This is what I did with my harvest on Monday and Tuesday. Candied jalapenos (3 jars), Restaurant style salsa (8 jars), hot pepper mustard (9 jars) which I didn’t have a pic of my banana pepper harvest, and strawberry chia seed jam (2 jars). The jam is the only jars that I didn’t use a water bath canner for, I just refrigerate. Needless to say, I am exhausted but it’s so worth it. Seeing my hard work of planting and taking care of my garden and then making the delicious recipes and then being able to see the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor is just so cool to me.

Jackson likes to pretend he is a barber. He routinely “cuts” Elvira kittypants and my teddy bear’s hair. I can’t believe Elvira puts up with it. But he gets her favorite brush and she sits still waiting to be brushed.

Then he gets my phone and takes a picture of her finished “haircut”.

We went on a bike ride. In the rain. It only really sprinkled the whole time and Jackson’s cart is covered so he was fine. Definitely don’t think he will fit in this kid cart next year.

Trail sightings. The river the trail runs along is called the “Yough”.

I read a book! I started it a few months ago, put it down, picked it back up again for a minute, put it down again, and finally picked it back up and then did not want to put it down. I really liked this book(and run on sentences). It’s so interesting because it’s a memoir. My sister received this book through a book club and loved it. She gave it to my mom who loved it also. Then she gave it to her friend to read and I’m not sure if she ever read it. My mom actually liked it so much that she bought her own copy and read it again and then gave it to me to read. Soooo, anywho, this book is a memoir about a girl growing up in a strict mormon family with a father that believed the government and medical establishment were evil. The kids weren’t allowed in school but Instead of being homeschooled she helped her mom, who was a midwife, with herbs and tinctures and helped her dad in the family junkyard. She decides to study for the ACT’s and gets into college like one of her brothers did. She eventually goes to Cambridge and Harvard. I found it really made me think about how much your family and parents beliefs have on your own belief systems. Of course your family shapes this when you are young but it’s interesting to see how much you learn from yourself and the outside world as to how much you keep these same beliefs to stay loyal to your family or create your own.

TV talk- I found my new favorite reality show. It’s called Real Girlfriends of Paris on Bravo. It’s so good and refreshing. (Please don’t judge me) It follows a group of girls that are transplants from America who live and work in Paris. It’s like Sex in the City of 20 year olds in Paris.

That’s it. Another great week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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