just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

At the pet store to buy his fish. We always have to get a picture with Sheldon the turtle.

Meet Fox search light pictures and Fox star studios.

Unfortunately, they didn’t make it through the night. RIP. I think the water environment wasn’t right. Jackson was sad for about 10 minutes. Then he flushed them down the toilet and got a pretend fish.

Jackson wanted to buy this oat hay waffle to give to foxy. The guy at the pet store said it might take a long time for a hamster to eat it. It was gone in a few days. He clearly didn’t understand the size of out hamster.

Saw a rainbow when we came out of Delallo’s. Notice his shirt that his Godmother (my bestest) had made for him because it’s the name of his hamster.

Our 2nd trip of the week to Delallo’s for his pepperoni rolls that he loves.

Then to the pumpkin patch. It was a rainy day but by the time we got to the farm it stopped raining but got a bit chilly and windy.

Finding all kinds of different pumpkins.

My favorite person in the whole wide world!

Had to buy a new printer. He literally goes wild in stores. Running around, climbing things, trying to hide on shelves.

He’s playing spaghetti or pasta volcano. I was cleaning and he shaped the comforter into a volcano and then would count down 5-4-3-2-1 and “play”pasta would fly everywhere and land on the cat. It was too funny. The cat was not amused but took it like a champ.

We went to the mall. He loves the fountains. And riding the elevator and escalators.

He had his first Auntie Anne’s pretzel. He said he liked it but did not like the lemonade or the cheese.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble. They bought the train set back after 2+ years of not having it because of c*vid. He had fun playing with it.
And that’s it. Another great week in the books!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!