just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

We had some beautiful weather last week. We went to a park we refer to as the hamster tube park.

He wouldn’t climb the ladder to the top of the twisty slide. He would only climb it from the bottom up to the very top and then slide down.

We were watching mickey mouse funhouse and one of the characters was talking about a selfie and he asked me “Mom, what’s a selfie?” So I showed him how to take one.

He’s been asking to go to Chuck e cheese since his birthday. So we went when the weather was not so nice.

Notice Cookie monster hamster along for the ride{lower right side of car).

We went to the mall where he officially declared that he likes Auntie Anne’s pretzels.

We visited the new Toys R Us in Macy’s where he met Geoffrey.

He also played in the fountain for like a half an hour.

For my birthday over the weekend Mike and I went to Live! casino. Jackson wanted to see the place mom and dad went on their date.

Making his Halloween costume!
And that’s it for another wonderful week in the books and another year older too!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!