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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

It was a pretty low key week. Jackson went back to school and I took down the Xmas decorations and spent like a whole day trying to organize our basement and put everything in storage.

Asher laying in the sunshine

So my SIL got me this thing called a Bagnet for Xmas. It attaches to your purse/bag and is a magnet that can hold your purse off the floor, on bathroom doors, etc… So it’s a good idea in theory because I was in a restroom the other day and there wasn’t a hook on the door so I used the bagnet. But then when Jax and I were at the mall, we were walking into Macy’s restroom and the door way at the entrance is metal and my bagney stuck to it and about ripped my arm off. Same goes with the above picture. My purse got stuck to my stove and about rips your arm off.

Then I almost walked out the door with a cookie container stuck to it

Then it about ripped my arm off again when it stuck to the shopping cart and when I pulled it off these nails were stuck to it from the Home Depot DIY kids workshop.

Now the ideal thing would be to just keep it in my purse and use it when I need it instead of keeping it on my purse but it can erase your credit cards if kept next to it for too long.

Speaking of Home Depot DIY kids workshop…

First Saturday of the month

Isn’t that just the cutest!

Speaking of cute….

We got more snow! Enough to go sled riding!

Babysitting Kitty Brooklyn again and she was all snuggly little lap cat

Foxy 2.0 is getting harder and harder to catch him and hold him

Jax had his 1st 2 hour delay from school yesterday due to icy conditions. We made this “arcade” out of brown paper bags. Which makes me laugh. After all the toys he got for Xmas, he still is playing with cardboard boxes and now paper bags.

And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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