just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
Merry Christmas!
I made some homemade catnip toys for our “kids.” They both love them. They also got a sitting post which they will occasionally share nicely.
Do you remember this pic?

Well we made homemade wine!!! It’s so cool. It’s a rose and I want to open a bottle asap but we still have to let it age for a minute in the bottles. We gave the wine as gifts and I made these cute labels and surprised everybody and I made about 25 bottles and I’m just so darn excited about it!!
We just bought a winemaking kit and followed the directions that came with it. It wasn’t overly difficult and I can’t wait to get a new batch started. I think this time we are going to make a blueberry wine. As you can see we named our “winery” 2 cats wine cellars and put the cats pic on the label. Sorry. Yes, I know, we are totally obsessed with our cats.
And just to reiterate the previous statement…..