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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately……
1. Watching the Olympics! Gymnastics is my all time favorite ever and I barely got to watch any of it because I either fall asleep before it comes on or I’m bartending and have it on the tv at the bar but don’t actually get to watch it.
2. Last week, Mikey and I had a “day date.” We were both off work last Wednesday and went to a local winery/berry farm in the afternoon. It was awesome. We bought a bottle of wine and sat in their garden area and just relaxed and chilled. Then we ordered lunch from their cabin café and it was really really good. Then we went into the farm store and bought the most delicious chocolate cookies with raspberries and white chocolate chips. Then we went to a driving range and hit some golf balls. It was such a fun day! It’s like a 1 day vacation because we’re not actually going on a vacation this year so fun little days like this one are extra special.
3. My little boy Nero never came home. We put a pic of him on our local lost pets facebook page and had a few people contact us. One person said she saw him on her porch during a thunderstorm a few weeks ago and that her Aunt who lives near her feeds stray cats. It’s actually in a neighborhood right over the hill from us so we have been driving around periodically to look for him but so far no luck.
4. So I’ve always hated school with an utmost passion but I always miss back to school shopping. Brand new clothes and shoes and school supplies! I want to make it a frivolous adult thing for people without kids or with kids that are all grown up. Let’s buy a new wardrobe and new tablets and pens for ourselves. I know, I know, adults can do that kind of shit any day they want. But we could make it like an adult holiday. Kind of like how adults took over Halloween. Third most popular drinking day of the year. Or is it fourth? Day before Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s day, Halloween, and New year’s Eve. I think that’s the order. I’m too lazy to “google” it right now. Plus I totally just got side tracked. I turned back to school shopping into a drinking day for adults. Probably the best idea ever but I’m not a parent and according to the universe, not entitled to an opinion on the subject. Humph.
5. Any recommendations on getting my shit together? Staying focused? I’m feeling like I’m burning the candle at both ends lately and getting absolutely nothing accomplished. Way too many things going on in my brain with not enough hours or motivation to get anything done? Anyone with me on this?

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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