posted 3/23/22
just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

We had some gorgeous weather for a few days so lots of play time outside.

Jackson calls himself “hamster baby” and these are his buddies “teddy hamster” and “cookie hamster”

He’s cooking up a storm in his house. We also made some mud pies and mud cupcakes but I didn’t get a picture.

Making M&M cookies again. Mickey aka Chet- don’t ask, everything has 2 names- helps us with the flour when we’re baking cookies. Plus we made 2 extra batches of cookies and we have many more batches to make for my future sister in laws wedding in 2 months!

Making an easter bunny cookie house kit and it was a total pain in the you know what. Jackson just ate the candies and the icing.

Frisbee time! Jackson is actually a really good frisbee thrower. Way better than me which isn’t saying much.
Other happenings this week-
We toured a new preschool on Thursday that he is going to attend this fall. I think I’m more excited for the new place than he is but he seemed to think it was ok.
We went shoe shopping after the preschool tour and Jackson picked out Jurassic Park sneakers and camo crocs- which you can see in the above picture.
And in non Jackson news-
They renewed “And just like that” for a second season! I’m excited about it even though at first I wasn’t sure how much I liked the reboot. But after watching all of the episodes I realized how much I missed and just love all things SATC.
Hope you have a great week!